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vodka 40 %










66 Kcal / annos


257 kJ


220 Kcal / 100ml


858 kJ




















Whisky is a spirit produced only from cereals, usually barley, maize and wheat. The cereals are soaked in water, then dried and crushed.  The crushed cereals are washed through hot water with the aim of extracting their sugars and the sweet liquid is then fermented using yeast before being distilled. One or more distillations will be required, depending on the type of still used, the style of whisky sought and production traditions.  (2 years after the new spirits regulation takes effect, i.e. around spring 2021, new provisions will require all ‘single malt’ whisky to be made only from malted barley in a single distillery.)

The distillation must always result in a liquid which has an alcoholic strength below 94.8% vol. (it is often much lower) so as to retain the aroma and taste of the cereals.  The distillate is then matured in wooden casks (usually oak) for at least 3 years and often far longer, as a result of which the spirit acquires some colour.





Whisky sold to consumers has a minimum alcoholic strength of 40% vol..




The addition of plain caramel to adapt the colour.



Not allowed

The addition of any other alcohol, the inclusion of any sweetening substances and the use of flavourings.

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